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Satellite Solar Array Simulator

  • Department Administrator
  • Registration Date 2010-09-09
  • Hits 12326

- Bid Summary -

Satellite Solar Array Simulator

Korea Aerospace Research Institute(KARI), a Korean government-funded institution, seeks qualified Bidders who can provide Satellite Solar Array Simulator.

The following is an outline of the RFP requirements, so potential Bidders are requested to carefully review the RFP documents and to submit their Proposals in accordance with the guidelines and requirements as contained in the RFP.

1. Main Scope
- Satellite Solar Array Simulator
 ☞ For further details, please refer to the RFP documents.

2. Qualification of Bidders
- Bidder shall be manufacturer or supplier who has Power of Attorney established by manufacturer and notarized by public certificate, has experience in the delivery of the Machinery as form of Rack and adequate for the needs of RFP documents.

3. Bid Closing Date
   - September 20, 2010, 16:00 Korean Local Time

4. Bid Bond
   - At least two(2) percent of the total bidding price.

5. Distribution of RFP Documents
   - Available at KARI’s homepage(/) from September 9 , 2010

6. Submittal of Proposal
- Proposal shall be submitted to the address stated below in a manner as specified in the RFP documents.
7. Bidding Process
- Technology and Price are set apart respectively but put in tender simultaneously.

International Contract Team
Korea Aerospace Research Institute
45 Eoeun-Dong, Yuseong-Gu,
Daejon, 305-333, Korea
Tel: +82-42-870-3635, Fax: +82-42-860-2666
e-mail :  wjkim@kari.re.kr (Mr. Warn-Jae Kim)