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News Release

Kim Seung-jo appointed the 9th President of KARI

  • Department Administrator
  • Registration Date 2011-06-21
  • Hits 19529

An inaugural ceremony was held for Kim Seung-jo, the 9th president of KARI, at 11 AM on June 21, 2011 (Tue.) at the Grand Auditorium, Main Building, KARI.

The incoming president emphasized in his inaugural address that "the global aerospace industry now holds investments over USD 560 billion and that South Korea can expand its global market share by tapping into its world-class fields such as IT, electronics, shipbuilding, and machinery sectors. "To join the world league of advanced nations with per capita income of USD 30,000 or 40,000, Korea must overcome the aerospace sector, which inevitably requires wholehearted support from the government and the public", he also highlighted.

He unveiled KARIs mid-long term goals for launching successfully KSLV-I next year, acquiring autonomous space launch capability and technical competence through the development of future convergence and core technology, reinforcement of international cooperation and vibrant communication with people via aerospace technology.