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News Release

Industry-University-Research Cooperation on the Creation of New UAV Markets!

  • Department Administrator
  • Registration Date 2016-02-24
  • Hits 10986
□ The Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning (MSIP) held the ‘17th Open Talk Relay for Future Growth Engines’ at the Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) in Daejeon at 2pm on February 24.
ㅇ The Open Talk Relay was held for the key industries in 19 major areas to heighten public interest in future growth engines and promote the convergence of, and cooperation on, growth engines.
ㅇ The event was held at KARI in Daejeon under the theme of The Discovery of Industries and Services for Future Society and the Creation of UAV.

□ The event was held as an industry-university-research cooperative policy forum, and included the introduction of UAV policy by each of the participating agencies and an expert panel.
ㅇ The event included an introduction of the policy on UAV as a future growth engine (MSIP, MOTIE and MOLIT), the convergence of UAV and future growth engines (KARI), the linkage of UAV with ICT, energy/materials and AI, and a general discussion and subcommittee meeting on the UAV convergence cluster. [Reference 1]

□ In addition, this year’s event featured exchanges between UAV manufacturers and parts and materials manufacturers, as well as the technology exhibition. Fourteen technology companies participated in the event.
ㅇ Hugreen Power has exported its fuel cell system as an auxiliary power source for relief vehicles to NATO, and its hydrogen generator for high altitude UAV to Boeing.
ㅇ JS LIDAR developed the 3D Lidar system for UAV, which has been recognized by the world’s leading drone manufacturers in Germany and other countries for its productiveness.
ㅇ Other UAV technology companies associated with regional Creative Economy Innovation Centers such as Marine Robotics (Jeonnam Creative Economy Innovation Center), Cube (Jeonbuk Creative Economy Innovation Center), and USIS (Ulsan Creative Economy Innovation Center) also participated in the event and introduced their technologies.

□ “This Open Talk Relay is very significant in that it provided an opportunity to present a new direction for UAV from the viewpoint of non-UAV areas. Such convergent cooperation would have a powerful promotional effect regarding the creation of a new UAV market,” said Go Gyeong-mo, Director General of Creative Economy at MSIP.

□ Next month’s event will be held on the theme of the smart car industry at the Chung Mong-koo Future Automobile Research Center at Hanyang University on March 25. The Open Talk Relay will be held each month on a different subject, including intelligent robotics and wearable smart devices.