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News Release

KARI and Korea University Establish a Convergence Research Center

  • Department Administrator
  • Registration Date 2008-07-08
  • Hits 8974

To carry out joint research using aerospace technology to develop and enhance forest carbon sequestration technology in preparation for future climate change agreements in order to prevent global warming

The Korea Aerospace Research Institute and Korea University will pursue joint research to integrate each institution’s specialized technology such as aerospace technology and ecosystem analysis techniques etc. This research shall be used to prepare for future international climate change agreements, which aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the culprit of global warming.

KARI and Korea University which have each been dedicated to their specific duties of government research & development and fostering world-class talent, respectively, will be holding a cooperative agreement ceremony at Korea University, at 3:30 p.m. on July 8, 2008 to maximize the synergy effect of existing technological capabilities through mutual joint research. The two institutions plan to identify and carry out joint research projects as soon as possible.

With the signing of the cooperative agreement, KARI with their aerospace technology (satellite development, etc.) and Korea University with their ecosystem analysis technology will cooperate to develop forest carbon sequestration technology, which is utilized in regulating international greenhouse gases. Also, they have agreed to establish a convergence research center to conduct joint projects, if necessary.

KARI will continue to pursue joint research and talent exchange in specialized fields through diverse cooperation with external institutions including universities. By doing so, KARI will facilitate its role as a future-oriented research institute, ultimately to contribute to humanity as well as to meet national demand.