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News Release

Sharing Human Resources with other Institutes

  • Department Administrator
  • Registration Date 2008-05-27
  • Hits 9488

Joint research and human resources sharing with the KIMM
for effective R&D in the fields of science and technology

The Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) and the Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials (KIMM) announced that they will sign an agreement to share their human resources for effectively conducting research and development. The event is scheduled to take place on May 22, 2008 in KARI’s main building.

This agreement is significant because it responds to the changing environment of R&D. It will promote joint R&D activities as well as exchange of human resources, ultimately to run R&D projects of each institute more effectively.

Unlike the existing exchanges through collaboration and commissions, the agreement will facilitate the true sense of exchanging human resources by tearing down any barriers between the two institutes, by including KARI researchers in KIMM and vice versa.

The two institutes are planning to run a pilot research project soon with the conclusion of the agreement. KARI will continue to pursue its policy of expanding the subject and scope of the cooperation with other institutes, eventually with industries and universities, through collaborative agreements. This move aims to share human resources to maximize research capability.