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News Release

Expansion of New Horizons for Korea-US Alliance in Space Cooperation, the First Step in Full-Scale Cooperation in Space Development with the US Korea-US Space Cooperation Agreement to Become Officially Effective on November 3

  • Department Administrator
  • Registration Date 2016-11-04
  • Hits 11741
- Korean-US Cooperation in Lunar Exploration to Be More Active

□ The Framework Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Korea and the Government of the United States of America for Cooperation in Aeronautics and the Exploration and Use of Airspace and Outer Space for Civil and Peaceful Purposes (Korea-US Space Cooperation Agreement) signed by both Korean and US Governments on April 27 became officially effective on November 3.

□ The Agreement will be the legal and institutional infrastructure for space cooperation between the two countries after both governments mutually recognized the importance of space cooperation in the Bilateral Summit Meeting in October of last year. It is the first step in full-scale cooperation for space development between the two countries.

o The Agreement is the first framework agreement on space cooperation that the US signed with an Asian country and is significant in that it opened the new frontier in cooperation for the solid and strategic Korea-US alliance.

o For Korea, forming the solid partnership with the superpower in space development is expected to become the key milestone for further strengthening its space technology capabilities after the country came a long way in owning the world’s top 5 earth observation satellite technologies and becoming one of the space launch vehicle developed countries after successfully launching the Naro despite a short history in space development.

□ The Agreement specifies the methods of cooperation in each of private level space development areas such as space science, earth observation, and space exploration for peaceful purposes, and includes the administrative measures such as designation of the implementing agency, technology and data transfer, intellectual property rights, and customs clearance.

□ As the Korea-US Space Cooperation Agreement became effective, the agreements and MOUs to be signed the implementing agencies in both countries will be considered as the agreements and MOUs under the Korea-US Space Cooperation Agreement and thus the space cooperation between the two countries will accelerate as the procedure to review them will be drastically reduced.

o In the past, it took more than 6 months for the space-related agencies such as NASA in the US to sign the MOU with the Korean agencies such as Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) and Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASSI) because more than 50 agencies had to review it. The Agreement solves such an inconvenience.

□ The Agreement will facilitate the Agreement for Cooperation in Lunar Exploration currently in discussion with KARI and US NASA to be signed early, and it will greatly help for Korea in executing the Lunar Orbiter Plan for Phase 1 Test in the schedule.

□ With the Korea-US Space Cooperation Agreement becoming effective, Korea and the US will be able to further expand and develop their relationship in the area of space, on top of areas such as military and security, economy and trade, and human interchanges that are already at a mature stage.