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News Release

Cheollian 2A Satellite to begin Smart Weather Information Services

  • Department Administrator
  • Registration Date 2019-07-26
  • Hits 8900
Cheollian 2A Satellite to begin Smart Weather Information Services
- Official service to begin on July 25 -

The official Cheollian 2A Satellite Services will begin on July 25 to protect the daily lives and safety of the public from the ever-changing weather. What changes are expected from the satellite data service provided by the Cheollian 2A satellite?

□ The Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT) and the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) announced that the Cheollian 2A satellite launched last December would begin official services from July 25, after seven months of preparation including in-orbit tests*.
* Tests to verify the nominal operations of the satellite in space which include △ satellite bus performance tests, △ meteorological imager payload functional tests, and △ data processing system operation tests

□ The Cheollian 2A satellite promptly provides high-resolution color weather images and 52 types of weather output, which are used in various applications such as △ weather observation, △ numerical and ultra-short forecasts, and △ climate monitoring.

ㅇ First, analysts can use color weather images in high-resolution as well as other weather outputs to visually distinguish clouds, smoke from forest fires, yellow dust, and volcano ash, and thereafter increase the accuracy of analysis activities.

ㅇAlso, as the quick provision of data by the Cheollian 2A satellite enhances timely monitoring capabilities (observing the Korean Peninsula region every two minutes), the early monitoring of the development of highly concentrated local rainstorms and improved accuracy in locating the eye of the typhoon as well as forecasting the moving path of the typhoon is expected.

ㅇThe quality of 52 types of weather outputs will be continuously improved, and the application of the weather outputs with improved quality is expected to expand to a wider range of fields such as climate monitoring.

□ The weather images provided by the Cheollian 2A satellite are disclosed through the websites of △ KMA (www.kma.go.kr) and the National Meteorological Satellite Center (nmsc.kma.go.kr). Various weather information are also planned to be provided through weather broadcasting services such as the marine weather information broadcasting for ships*. Requests for information can be made through the weather data portal (data.kma.go.kr) and received via the Internet.
* The broadcasting service that provides satellite images and marine weather data for ships.

□ “Korea has now acquired an independently-developed geostationary satellite platform as the Cheollian 2A satellite begins official weather services after completing various tests. Next year, we plan to launch the Cheollian 2B satellite which will provide more diverse services to enhance the quality of life of the people,” said Choi Weon-ho, the Director of Big Public Research Policy.

□ Meanwhile, the Cheollian 2B satellite, after being assembled, is currently undergoing space environmental tests including thermal vacuum tests with the goal of launching in the first half of next year. The Cheollian 2B satellite will observe the atmospheric environment (concentrated fine dust etc) to improve the accuracy of air quality warning alarms and enhance the capability to monitor the marine environment and marine resources such as red and green algae.