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News Release

Government to Build Future Innovation Growth Engine by Creating the Private Sector-Led Space Development Ecosystem

  • Department Administrator
  • Registration Date 2019-01-10
  • Hits 7646
Government to Build Future Innovation Growth Engine by Creating the Private Sector-Led Space Development Ecosystem
- Announcement of 3 Plans*
* ① Korea Space Industry Strategy; ② 2nd Satellite Information Utilization Plan; and ③ National Space Cooperation Implementation Strategy

□ The Ministry of Science and ICT (MSITT)(Minister, You Young Min) plans to transform the management of the space development implementation system from the government and government-funded research institute to the private sector, enhancing the support to expand the domestic and overseas markets and strengthening the industry’s competitiveness in the space field.

ㅇ The plan was finalized by the 15th National Space Council* meeting held on January 7.
* Presidential Council (chaired by the Minister of Science and ICT as prescribed in Article 5 of the Space Development Promotion Act)

□ Although the size of the space industry in Korea is estimated to be about KRW 2.7 trillion as of 2016, the market for the space device and space information service except for the communication, broadcasting, and navigation service is much smaller at KRW 230.0 billion. As the industry is still at the early growth stage, it is dominated by small companies.

□ First, the private sector-led space industry ecosystem is promoted.

ㅇ The Space Coordination Committee, which is participated by relevant agencies, is formed to identify and coordinate the public demand and support the R&D projects to promote export and expand the domestic and overseas markets. The plan presented the period in which the industry will manage the manufacturing of devices such as the satellite and launch vehicle.

□ Moreover, it supports the challenge to expand the new space markets such as the satellite-based new services, net IT-convergent industries, and niche device markets.

ㅇ It provides the customized satellite information that is applicable to new IT such as AI and big data, providing the support to space-related venture enterprises and innovative technology development such as ultra-small satellite and launch vehicle.

□ It expands the support to improve the technological capability of domestic industries.

ㅇ The Space Part Test Center will be constructed to support the testing and evaluation of industry-developed parts under the space environment. It introduces the quality management certification and technology audit scheme to ensure the quality of the developed parts and improve the R&D scheme so that businesses can be assisted in R&D costs.

□ Moreover, the related legislation will be upgraded to train the human resources which is the basis for industrial competitiveness; promote the commercial space activities of the private sector; and re-establish the role of KARI to focus on developing the new and required technologies.

□ MSIT plans to expand the space industry market size to about 3.7 trillion by 2010 through the implementation of the strategy.

□ The National Space Council also finalized the 2nd Satellite Information Utilization Plan, which was the legal plan to be renewed every five years, and the National Space Cooperation Implementation Strategy, which presented the basic direction for international cooperation.

ㅇ MSIT plans to expand the satellite information service which has become an essential element for resolving various social issues such as the weather, environment, and disaster management, in addition to public safety.

ㅇ It also plans to implement coherent international space cooperation to enhance Korea’s status.

□ “Space is the dream of humankind and the area that will grow into a high value-added industry in the near future. It is more important than anything to establish and implement long-term vision and specific goals. MSIT committed to providing continuous support in helping the national space development policy to be carried out dynamically and substantially,” the Minister of Science and ICT Yoo Young Min said.