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News Release

Next Phase of Korea Space Launch Vehicle II, Implementation of Korean Model of Space Launch Vehicle II Development System

  • Department Administrator
  • Registration Date 2015-12-07
  • Hits 11765
□ The Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning (MISP) disclosed that it will hold a ceremony to commemorate the successful construction of three engine combustion testing facilities (3rd stage engine combustion testing facility, engine ground combustion testing facility and engine high-altitude combustion testing facility) related to the development of a Korean model of launch vehicle at its Naro Space Center in Goheung, Jeonnam on December 7.
ㅇ It has already built 9 of 10 planned test facilities required to complete the Korea Space Launch Vehicle II Development System. The remaining facility (propulsion unit system testing facility) will be completed in 2016.

□ The three recently completed engine combustion testing facilities will be used to test engine combustion after the assembly of the 7-ton class engine and 75-ton class engine with components verified at the testing facilities.
ㅇ Space launch vehicle technology is an area that requires an extremely high degree of reliability. The 7-ton and 75-ton class liquid engines to be installed in the Korea Space Launch Vehicle II will be tested 220 times and 160 times, respectively, at the three combustion testing facilities, in an effort to secure the engine’s performance, reliability, and stability.

□ The 3rd stage engine combustion testing facility is designed to test the combustion of the 7-ton class liquid engine used in the 3rd stage of the Korea Space Launch Vehicle II,
ㅇ So far, the 7-ton class liquid engine has been successfully tested for continuous combustion of 20 seconds. The combustion period will be gradually increased to about 500 seconds, which is the mission period of the 7-ton class engine.

□ The engine ground and high altitude combustion testing facilities, the two other new testing facilities, are designed to test the combustion of the 75-ton class liquid engine on the ground and in the air to verify its reliability.
ㅇ The combustion testing of the 75-ton class liquid engine will begin in January 2016, after the assembly of its main components, including the combustion chamber, turbo pump and gas generator, at the end of 2015.

□ The ceremony for its completion will be attended by First Vice Minister of Science, ICT and Future Planning Lee Sukjoon, KARI President Cho Gwang Rae, representatives from the companies that participated in the construction of the testing facilities, and professionals from the industries, research institutes and academic circles involved in the development of the launch vehicle.
ㅇ KARI held a meeting with the companies participating in the project to congratulate them on the successful completion of the project and to gather their opinions for reflection in the development of a Korea Space Launch Vehicle II.

□ Phase I (March 2010 ~ July 2015) of the Korea Space Launch Vehicle Development II Project was completed with the successful construction of engine testing facilities and the development of a 7-ton class liquid engine. The project is now in Phase II (August 2015 ~ March 2018).
ㅇ Engine development and combustion testing will be carried out in Phase II to accelerate the development of the Korea Space Launch Vehicle and to complete the national space development plan.
ㅇ The construction of facilities needed to develop and verify the components and to assemble and test the engine will assist the development of Korea’s own launch vehicle development system.

□ Moreover, since the newly constructed testing facilities are important national assets, they will be carefully managed for use in the enhancement of launch vehicles and the development of new launch vehicles in the future, and will be opened to domestic industries and research institutes for joint utilization.